30 Days of Lipsticks Challenge: Day 1

Hello my lovelies! I’ve decided to challenge myself to wear a different lipstick everyday for the month of April. I definitely fall into wearing the same lipstick over and over, and it’s such a shame because I have a gazillion lipsticks! So in order to shop my stash, I’m beginning this challenge. I think I’ll do a daily post and also include my thoughts on the lip color. Unless you guys think I should condense it to one post per week with all the lip colors for that week? Let me know! I’m going to keep it open to lip colors in general, not just traditional lipsticks. So long as it has color, it counts! Haha I’m making up my own rules here.

Ok, on to today’s lip color:

Revlon Matte Balm Elusive: This is a medium warm pink shade with a matte finish. Even though it’s matte, it is super creamy and comfortable to wear. I think this is a lovely color for spring. It is a little bright but still wearable. I really like the Revlon matte balms in general.

Thanks for reading, see you for Day 2 of the challenge! 🙂

xo Sandy

32 thoughts on “30 Days of Lipsticks Challenge: Day 1

  1. This is a great idea! I have a ton of lipsticks, but I’ve been wearing the same one for like the last month. I might have to try this to bring back some variety to my lips!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Great idea! I should do this with eye shadows, lol.
    I like the idea of a once a week summary post so we can see a variety of shades on you (unless of course, all your lipsticks are the same… 30 straight days of MLBB shades!) but it’s up to you, of course!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yeah it would be great to do with eyeshadows too! Thanks for the feedback, I might end up doing that 🙂 haha on days of work and school MLBB will have to do, hopefully I don’t run out! lol


  3. Pingback: 30 Days of Lipstick Challenge: Week 1 | Lippie Obsession

  4. Pingback: 30 Days of Lipsticks Week 2 | Lippie Obsession

  5. Pingback: 30 Days of Lipsticks Challenge: Week 3 | Lippie Obsession

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